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last auto gone, moving on

Posted by on June 4, 2012

trying to get used to life without air conditioning

My car with surf racks, a bike rack, and two bikes drove away yesterday. As I stood there watching them go, I felt like pinching myself. It still doesn’t seem completely real. Later, I glanced at the calendar and saw everything that had been on the schedule up until June 1st. In the few days that we’ve been here, last month’s craziness already seems like a lifetime ago. Then, I glanced at the month of June. With the projects left to do, and the places yet to see, the summer already seems so short.

Sanding and painting the bottom, and polishing the hull, are the biggest projects to achieve. Our new electronics have arrived, and we want to at least get the new wires into the mast. The new trampolines will go on last. Wil already re-bedded the leaky port, and the old knot meter has been removed. Many more of our things have found their storage locations. I also got wind of a couple of steel plates that might be ready for some polishing! (read about my previous sanding & polishing steel experience) This time the steel plates are for our series drogue attachment at the stern.

As I write this, I’m starting to hear the morning bustle of the boatyard and the travel lift passing by. Time to get crackin’. Our day in that lift is just around the corner!

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