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hatch covers installed

Posted by on May 16, 2012

the newly installed hatch covers

we'll stay cooler on the inside










hatches open easily

Our hatch covers from Outland Hatch Covers are complete and looking good!

Steve & James Outland, returned for the final installation, adding the twist locks that will hold the covers in place. We do have the exception of the last two hatches that still need glass replacement. The covers for those hatches are ready for installation, but we just need to replace the old glass first. Since we are relatively close to launch time, we are needing to stick to a priority list for the time being.

The covers add a nice finishing touch to the deck, creating a low-profile and flush look. They look good and they are so functional. We’re cooler on the inside, and as I’ve mentioned before (protecting our new hatches), all of our newly installed glass will be protected from damaging environmental factors.

You can check out the Outland Hatch Cover picture gallery for more examples of their work.

We’ll keep you posted on how the hatch covers work out in the long term!

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