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clean diesel fuel & tanks . . . ahhh!

Posted by on May 12, 2012

pumping fuel out of the tanks

sludge in bottom of diesel tanks

sludge in the bottom of the diesel tanks

clean diesel tank bottom . . . much better

ball valves that were on the diesel tanks . . . yikes!

Our diesel tanks received their own spa treatment yesterday, and it was a good thing they did! The photos above speak a thousand words.
Each tank was done one at a time. The fuel was pumped out and the tank cleaned. While each tank was empty, Wil took the opportunity to replace the ball valves which had reached a stage of not being trustworthy. Finally, the freshly cleaned fuel was returned to the tanks.
During the fuel pump out portion of the process, we learned that our aft fuel tanks each hold 70 gallons of fuel, and the forward two tanks each hold 30 gallons. It is now confirmed that we carry 200 gallons of fuel.
Every other spare moment has been spent finding storage locations for this week’s truck load. We’re still amazed at how much the boat is able to store. The waterline was high when we brought her to the boatyard. Our fingers are crossed that we don’t go above the waterline.

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