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lucky number 12

Posted by on April 20, 2012

the before picture

the after picture

The parachute anchor chain plates are polished and ready for installation. Compared to the 16 hours that I was expecting, it only took 12 hours to achieve their final shine. Now they’re too pretty to use!
The final two and a half hours were spent using a succession of buffing and polishing compounds. The first was a fast cutting compound, followed by a medium cutting compound, and then a high gloss finish. With each compound, I moved to a softer polishing wheel.

no fingerprints please!

great feeling of accomplishment

like a mirror

The fiberglass reinforced bows are also ready for the plate installation. The aluminum backing plates have been cut and the next stage of this process is about to begin.

bow before reinforcement

fiberglass reinforcement in bow

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