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parachute anchor plates

Posted by on April 9, 2012


parachute anchor chain plate

heavy duty stuff









Wil has his next project cut out for himself. Come to think of it, I have a big project cut out for myself as well!

Our specially designed parachute anchor chain plates are almost ready for installation. Before installing these heavy duty plates, we need to reinforce the bows with additional fiberglass. This involves working inside the points of the bows, in a small space, sanding and glassing. Also, before the plates get attached, and so to match the rest of the boat’s stainless, they will need to be polished. We haven’t talked about it yet, but I assume while Wil is working inside the bows, I will be polishing the plates.

For more detailed information on parachute anchor chain plates, you can refer to a parachute anchor chain plate design by Maxing Out, a 39 foot Privilege that has circumnavigated the world. We studied his design and worked with a local fabricator to come up with our design. We hope to never have to use a parachute anchor, but we feel it’s absolutely necessary to be prepared for the “just in case.”

access cut to the starboard bow

area to be reinforced












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