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last minute jobs

Posted by on June 26, 2012

installing D-rings for the davit clips

scrub, scrub, scrub









It’s amazing just how many last minute jobs need to be done before a boat returns to the water. With the exception of waxing the boat, most of the large priority jobs have been completed. However, there are so many little things that need to be done.

New zincs placed on the rudders and shafts. Propspeed applied to the props and shafts. The life raft returned to the rack. The dinghy returned to the davits, after some cleaning and the motor mounted. Old batteries removed from the engine room. An attempt to start the engines. All items removed from the “garage” under the boat. The makeshift canopy taken down. The cockpit de-cluttered. Dock lines brought up. Fender boards prepared.

Yesterday, Wil put on the zincs and applied the Propspeed. He also did a trip to West Marine, gathering an armload of last minute items and spares. Every time I have a spare moment, I continue to pick away at the piles of stuff inside the boat. We spent most of today waxing the boat. We should be able to complete the waxing tomorrow. The dinghy is ready to be raised into the davits, but the life raft needs to go on first. Wil cleared out the work tables from underneath the boat. As I’m writing this post, Wil is continuing the wax job. Who knows? Maybe we won’t have to wax tomorrow!

We are so close to hearing water lap at the hulls again. Our excitement is ever growing!

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