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job done, checked off the list

Posted by on May 8, 2012

completely installed parachute anchor chain plate ~ just needs some cleaning!













After all of our hard work involved with the new parachute anchor chain plates, I had hoped for some spectacular photos for the final post on their installation. Instead, as we are swamped with chores in these final days as landlubbers, I could only snap a few photos of one newly installed plate, and not even take the time to clean off the caulking!

A few days before, I had been inside the bow, helping Wil re-bed the forward most stanchion, when I noticed how great the parachute anchor backing plate looked. I was going to return with a camera, but Wil had fiber-glassed the opening before I could get the shot. The tips of our bows are now the completely sealed, watertight compartments that they should be. One job done. Check!

chain plates & backing plate ~ lining up the holes for drilling

drilling the chain plate









For earlier posts about the creation of the parachute anchor plates: parachute anchor plates, $1200 or 16+ hours of sanding, 9 1/2 hours later, and lucky number 12. Or click on the tag word parachute anchor chain plate in the tag word list in the right margin of the webpage.

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